Enthusiastic pregnancy announcement will make your day

Behold, the purest look of joy you have ever seen.

Reddit user itstillworks1 shared a photo of a most enthusiastic pregnancy announcement out there.

Source: Reddit

"It still works!" proclaims the chalk outline behind the couple. They were shocked to find that they were able to conceive, even though Todd Kreig is paraplegic.

The story of their romance is perhaps even more incredible than their witty announcement.

Kreig met his fiancee, Amanda Diesen, while he was in at a paralysis recovery center called Project Walk in Carlsbad, California. A dirt bike accident left him paralyzed from the chest down in 2014.

Diesen was working as a therapist at the rehab center when they met.

According to their profile for the BRIDES Live Wedding contest, Kreig had a crush on Diesen and called her the "cute therapist." She found him handsome but was afraid to say anything because she didn't want to be unprofessional.

He finally confessed his love for her in 2015, and when he moved back home after completing therapy a year later, she came with him.

Kreig proposed to Diesen during their adorable pregnancy announcement shoot.

You can vote for them to win the BRIDES Live Wedding contest here.
