The best time of day to consume calories

Mornings are a busy time for most Americans. From getting kids to the bus stop to getting yourself to work on time, it's called the morning rush for a reason.

Who has time for one more thing on the to do list?

Well, according to a new statement from the American Heart Association, you better make time.

The statement suggests consuming more calories earlier in the day is better for your heart.

The author told CBS News that people who eat breakfast daily have lower risk of cardiovascular disease because the body can better metabolize food which fends off risk factors like obesity, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

It's understandable that breakfast is the last thing on your mind during the morning rush, but if you can't get to it before leaving the house try eating something when you get to work.

But the donuts that Susan from accounting brought into the office don't count!

RELATED: Healthy snacks with 100 calories or less
