Woman loses half her body weight after refusing proposal, now looks like Kate Middleton


26-year-old Jennifer Ginley, from England, hasn't always struggled with her weight, but by the time she headed off to university, years of bad eating caught up with her. And now, she's celebrating her fairytale ending.

"I'd been a fairly averaged-size child but I was a size 18 by the time I went to university in Manchester," she said to The Daily Mail.

'I was a serial failed-dieter and could never understand how I could achieve so much in other areas of my life, yet I couldn't control what I ate, "Jennifer explained.

At 5'5, she weighed in at nearly 280 pounds and required a seatbelt extender while traveling. Her diet consisted of greasy chips, Chinese takeout and a lot of soda -- but not any more.

When she realized her longtime boyfriend was thinking of proposing, she refused. "My boyfriend Luke and I have been together for more than 11 years and I always used to discourage him from proposing because I couldn't imagine myself as a bride being the size I was," she said.

Jennifer's poor her health was didn't come to fruition until she was leaving for vacation a year ago. Something inside her snapped. "When I found myself buying size-26 clothes for the holiday I'd been looking forward to for so long, I knew something had to change," she said.

She looked back at pictures from her holiday and decided to make a change. "I saw myself in a whole new light, I looked so unhealthy that I cried, wondering how and why I had done that to myself," she continued.

With the help of her family, she attended the UK weight loss program "Slimming World" and was able to lose almost 130 pounds.

Scroll through to see more of Jennifer's transformation:

Over the holidays, Jennifer was finally in a place to say yes to Luke.

"It was such an incredible feeling to be able to say 'Yes!' without even a second thought about my weight, and I can't wait to go dress shopping," she said to The Daily Mail.

Readers are even calling her a Princess Kate look alike, according to The Daily Mail.

"I feel like I'm a butterfly, emerging from my cocoon," said Jennifer.

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