One fruit can get you through the winter blues


By: Angeli Kakade, Buzz60

Some families spend winter praying for snow and a weekend getaway on the slopes, but sick kids, cabin fever and power outages have most families counting down the days until spring break.

According to a survey by the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council, of the 2,000 families surveyed, one in three parents have a hard time during winter months and experience declines in mood, diet and energy levels.

Many people ditch their healthy summer lifestyles for Netflix and Snuggies in the winter, while dreaming about sunny days and BBQ parties.

Turns out 42% of families long for the fresh fruit and veggies widely available in the summer. Perusing the produce section in January is actually a tease because it's really just a lot of apples.

Luckily, not all fruits are created equal and the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council says the small round fruit is available all year long with the same quality and taste.

With 56% of families having a hard time saying no to junk food during winter months, blueberries are a great way to meet junk food in the middle and satisfy that sweet tooth while keeping nutrition levels up.

Blueberries and cream is the new blueberry pie, which is a great addition to any snow day snuggle session!

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