Avoiding 2 foods helped this blogger lose more than 100 pounds

It's a new year, and it's time to finally address everything we've been too flaky to commit to in the past.

For blogger Rebecca Grafton, that was her weight.

More than two years ago, the 25-year old decided to do something about her health. At 250 pounds, she had already struggled with countless diets, but nothing worked.

Rebecca said to Cosmopolitan:

"Like any girl, I had tried to diet countless times before. Eventually I would screw up and decide to just throw in the towel."

So, she started educating herself. She learned portion control, exercise and determination. Unlike with previous diets, "I decided to always stay committed to getting back on track no matter how many times I screwed up," she said.

She cut cooking her foods with cream and cheese, and started exercising more and more. Before, Rebecca couldn't stay on the treadmill for more than 30 seconds. Now, she runs marathons.

In her interview with Cosmopolitan, Rebecca offers one small tip that's been vital for her journey. For the blogger, her biggest change was committment. She asserted:

"[I started] deciding to start every Monday fresh. There were many, many weekends along my journey where I ate more than I should have, but I never let a weekend off track prevent me from starting over and recommitting every week."

Scroll through to see pictures of Rebecca's incredible transformation:

You can follow Rebecca's journey on her Instagram.

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