Mediterranean diet could prevent Alzheimer's disease


If a diet change now could prevent you from developing a debilitating disease later on, would you make it?

Researchers from the Wake Forest School of Medicine are saying the Mediterranean diet could in fact prevent Alzheimer's.

Related: Notable people with Alzheimer's

No, it's not just hummus and feta! The diet includes plant-based foods, nuts and beans, along with wine and healthy fats and oils.

The doctors compared patients who followed a Mediterranean-like diet and those who ate foods that were high in fat and sugar.

Those who had a more healthy lifestyle did significantly better on memory tests and tested for fewer Alzheimer's-related proteins in their bodies.

Patients who followed a Western-like diet had more proteins associated with the disease.

So go ahead (if you're of-age, of course) -- that glass of wine may be better for you than you thought!

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