Twins born overnight on Daylight Savings are both older

It's likely that Daylight Savings results in some confusion. Whether you're more tired, show up somewhere early or late, or are hungry earlier than usual, it may take a few days to get used to. For one family, however, the impact of Daylight Savings may last forever.

Twins Samuel and Ronan Peterson were born in Cape Cod Hospital on November 6. Mother Emily gave birth to Samuel first, but Ronan is technically older.

How did this happen? Samuel was born at 1:39am on Sunday; by the time Ronan was born 31 minutes later, the time had moved back so he was born at 1:09am.

RELATED: Check out interesting daylight savings time facts

"I said earlier that night that they were either going to be born on two different days or the time change was going to come into play," father Seth Peterson told local news outlet WCVB.

WCVB reported that this was first time maternity nurse Deb Totten saw a birth like this in her 40 years on the job.
