Drinking 2 sweetened beverages per day could double diabetes risk

People hooked on sweetened beverages might want to consider reaching for water instead after new research suggests drinking two or more sweetened drinks per day could raise your risk for diabetes.

Swedish researchers found two or more 6.7 oz. servings of sweetened drinks consumed daily doubles the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Considering that many drinks come in larger servings, you might hit that number drinking one and a half drinks per day.

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Drinking five sweetened drinks a day could spike that number to 10 times the risk. The risk level was about the same even if the drinks used sugar or artificial sweeteners. Going with a diet version didn't matter.

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For the study, researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden looked at the drinking habits of more than 2,800 people. Some had diabetes, while a control group did not.

Based on the data, drinking sugary beverages was shown to increase the risk of diabetes.

The lead author says more studies need to be done to determine the relationship between sugary drinks and the disease.

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