Simple sitting test could predict how long you will live


A single physical movement could be an indicator of longevity, according to research out of Brazil.

It is called the sitting-rising test, or SRT, which was developed by Dr. Claudio Gil Araujo and colleagues as a simple way to show a person's fitness level.

The SRT involves a participant sitting down and standing back up without the help of any equipment.

During the activity, a score out of 10 is assessed, with a point getting deducted for each time a hand or knee is used as leverage and half a point subtracted for a loss of balance.

A study from 2012 found that, of the 2,000-plus, 51 to 80-year-old patients who performed the test, those with lower scores were more likely to die within 6 years than their higher scoring counterparts.

Dr. Araujo has pointed out that the movement incorporates important physical capabilities like balance, strength, and flexibility.

Here are some easy ways to stay healthy:
