5 ways to keep kids from getting sick


By Maria Mercedes Galuppo, Buzz60

With kids going back to school and fall season creeping up, it's important to keep a close eye on the little ones.

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Here are 5 ways to help prevent children from getting sick:

1. Throw some salt in the tub. Adding a handful of Epsom Salts or tablespoons of Sea Salt to their bath is a great way to boost magnesium levels, particularly for kids who suffer from asthma, allergies or eczema.

2. Let them play barefoot in the mud. Compounds in the dirt boost Serotonin levels that help with the functioning of the cardiovascular system, muscles and various elements in the endocrine system. The exposure to mud will also strengthen their immune system.

3. Make sure they get some sunshine. Healthy sun exposure is important because it helps produce Vitamin D. However, make sure children are protected with sunscreen, hats or layers.

4. Give them quality homemade soup. A good broth and stock can go a long way. Our mothers and grandmothers knew it, so go back to basics and make it from scratch rather than carton soups.

5. If kid's need some motivation to eat healthy, promise them some ice cream in order to get them to eat the soup and vitamins that are good for them.
