Teacher assistant embarrasses class with unexpected test question


For many people, the name of the game in college is to go to school as infrequently as possible while still maintaining a high grade.

Sometimes, it's possible -- but not on this teacher's watch.

Reddit user dovahkid posted a photo of a brutal test question to r/funny on reddit.

"After not taking attendance all quarter, my TA was out of town on exam day. This was the last question," said the post.

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It features four photos of Asian men with a similar style of short hair and glasses standing in front of the same bookish background.

Students had to figure out which one of the photos was their teacher's aide.

"It is about half time of the whole quarter. So I guess everyone should know me in some sense. Let's do a simple quiz. Which of the following pictures is ME :)" the question said.

Source: Reddit

The question was only worth one point, but the shame of mistaking your teacher for another similar-looking man is eternal.

Scroll through below to see more hilarious pranks!
