Fruits and vegetables make men smell better to women

Fruits and Vegetables Make Men Smell Better to Women
Fruits and Vegetables Make Men Smell Better to Women

By: Sean Dowling

To all the men out there looking to attract a woman, reach for a banana or have a salad.

A new study shows men who eat fruits and veggies smell better to women. Dr. Ian Stephen, a psychologist at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia says a man's body odor reveals important health information to women.

His team had nine women smell the sweat from 43 different men. The men also provided information about their diet. Women rated the sweat of men who ate more fruits and vegetables as more pleasant and floral.

But you don't have to go vegan to land a date. The study also showed women were attracted to the odor from meat eaters, & those who ate eggs or soy.

The least pleasant aroma came from men who ate a lot of carbs. Psychologists think sweat serves as a signal of how healthy a man's diet is, and whether he may be a good match or not.

Scroll through to see the healthiest vegetables:

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