Standing more, sitting less could help prevent heart attacks and diabetes

Standing on the Subway Could Help Prevent Heart Attack, Diabetes
Standing on the Subway Could Help Prevent Heart Attack, Diabetes

By: Alyse Barker

Are you one of those subway riders who is quick to push and shove just to nab a seat in the subway car?

If you are, you might want to rethink your actions. A new study shows standing on the subway can help reduce your risk of heart attack and diabetes.

Throughout the day, it is important to keep glucose levels down, according to senior author Glenn Gaessner of the School of Nutrition and Health Promotion at Arizona State University.

The research included nine overweight adults whose blood sugar was tracked throughout their regular eight-hour workday. They incorporated standing throughout the day and dramatically saw a difference in their glucose levels.

They looked at a typical workday, since a significant amount of Americans spend most of their day seated at a desk. This is problematic due to a wealth of studies indicating sitting can be a health hazard.

While it's obvious that exercise is important to remain healthy and keep blood sugar balanced, it may be surprising how big of an issue it can be to sit at work all day.

The research found it is beneficial to take frequent breaks to stand up or walk around.

Or, when you're on the subway, be sure to stand for at least a few stops on the way to your destination. It's good for your heart, and significantly reduces the likelihood of accidentally sitting in something gross.
