9 types of food you should never feed your dog

Are You Feeding Your Dog These Toxic Foods?
Are You Feeding Your Dog These Toxic Foods?

Molly always enjoys her annual birthday celebration with her favorite treats, and Henry dons his designer raincoat and boots when he walks outside in the rain. Both Molly and Henry have one thing in common: They have four legs and a tail. While we often treat our dogs not merely as pets, but rather as an important family member, there are times when we have to remember – for their safety's sake – that these family members aren't human.

The Food and Drug Administration recently released consumer health information reminding dog owners that there are numerous human foods that your pooch cannot tolerate, and if consumed, may cause serious medical issues for your pet.

While many dog owners know that giving Fido chocolate can causing poisoning, there other less known but equally important edibles that need to be kept away from your dog.

Here are some foods that you should avoid giving to your four-legged friends:
