Teenage boy is best friends with a deer named 'Money'

Suspicious Cat Hesitant to Meet Friendly Deer
Suspicious Cat Hesitant to Meet Friendly Deer

Kelvin Peña is a normal 17-year-old guy. He loves social media and he's really good at it, and he has a soft spot for his pet.

It just so happens that his four-legged friend is a deer, whose name is Money, of course.

He posted a video introducing his new pet on twitter.

Kelvin told BuzzFeed News how the two unlikely friends met

"One day at my cousin's house, he was feeding Canela (another local deer)and I thought it was really cool. When I got home I saw Money in my backyard, walked up to him, and noticed he didn't run away, so I felt we had a connection," he told BuzzFeed.

"I went inside and grabbed him an apple, and he ate it. I expected him to leave but he kept following me, so that's when I grabbed some Club Crackers and started feeding him. His name is Money 'cause I feel like he deserves that name – money makes me happy and he did too, so I felt like we had a friendship."

Beautiful. What more can you say.

One day, Money brought his "deer squad" to Kelvin's house. His video about it has gone viral on Twitter:

"Every day since, he comes to my house and brings his lil' family, which I all gave names too – they're my deer squad."

He's been taking care of Money like a real dad.

Kelvin told BuzzFeed News that he didn't expect his pet to go so viral.

"I just thought Money was cool so I decided to film him. I was still going to feed him regardless."

But with tweets like this, how could they not be the biggest thing on the internet?

He's now selling shirts with a cartoon version of Money on them so that he can earn cash to support his deer squad.

What a precious family!

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