Taco Bell introduces the Cheetos burrito, and people are going wild

Taco Bell to Test Out Cheetos Burritos
Taco Bell to Test Out Cheetos Burritos

Next up on the food trend train is from Taco Bell, and it's guaranteed to make every late-night-fast-food-eater happy.

Earlier this summer we had Burger King's Mac n' Cheetos, and even Spam sushi.

Taco Bell

But we think this might surpass that all. With Cheetos, cheese, rice, and meat, the Cheetos Burritos is a Taco Bell lover's dream.

The chain had introduced the crazy concoction in Canada, and the dangerously cheesy meal is slowing making its way over into the U.S. Cincinnati is the first city to welcome this love-it-or-hate-it snack.

Scroll through below for more fast food pics:

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