You won't look at mouthwash the same after seeing these unusual uses for it


So, here's something new -- mouthwash isn't only used for getting rid of bad breath and cleaning your gums! Yes, that's right, there are actually plenty of uses for mouthwash that we bet your never knew existed. While you're probably contemplating in your head exactly what they could be and how this liquid could actually benefit you in more ways that one, we're here to help you out a bit.

Trust us when we say, we're just as surprised as you! Yes, it's great for all things mouth related, but it's also great for getting rid of dandruff, helping with underarm odor and a ton of other remedies! Mind blown yet? If not, let's drive it home. Take a look at 5 unbelievable uses for mouthwash.

1) Keep flowers fresh

The antibacterial properties make it perfect for extending the life of flowers.

Photo: Getty

2) Treat athletes foot

The high alcohol content helps ward off fungal infection.

Photo: Getty

3) Clean your toilet bowl

Photo: Getty

4) Freshen laundry

Avoid that musty odor with a cup of alcohol-based, sugar-free mouthwash.

Photo: Getty

5) Reduce underarm odor

The antiseptic ingredients kill bacteria under your arms.

Photo: Getty

For more unusual uses, click through below for ways to use castor oil:

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