Half of all retirees say they fear this

If you have retired — or the day is in sight — congratulations! You probably have dreamed of this moment for years, even decades.

But now is not the time to let your guard down. In fact, if you are like many retirees, one of your biggest sources of financial anxiety is about to rear its head.

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Half of retirees agree that they feel “discomfort” at the thought of taking withdrawals from their retirement accounts and, as a result, seeing their nest egg shrink over time, according to a 2018 study published in the Journal of Personal Finance.

RELATED: Take a look at the top things you shouldn't hold off until retirement:

Additionally, that half of survey respondents said they feel poorly prepared financially for retirement, regardless of how prepared they are.

Other data appear to confirm that the survey results are not an aberration. According to the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College:

“A 2009 study estimated that by the time middle-income retirees are in their 80s, they still had not touched about three-fourths of their savings, and 2016 research found that retirees with substantial assets are the most reluctant spenders. Vanguard recently reported that retirees with very modest savings turn around and reinvest a third of the money they’re required to withdraw under IRS rules after age 70½.”

The Journal of Personal Finance survey found that factors such as worries about future medical expenses and fears of a stock market crash are among the biggest anxieties that give retirees second thoughts about spending their savings.

Fortunately, both of those types of worries are ones for which you can plan.

Related: Here’s How Much Americans Think It Will Cost Them to Retire

A solution to retirement worries

Are you among those who are nervous about spending during retirement? If so, you need a plan. A little education and a lot of planning can go a long way toward helping you overcome such fears.

Money Talks News offers an online course — The Only Retirement Guide You’ll Ever Need — designed for people between the ages of 45 and 65 who are nearing retirement, or are actually in their post-work years now.

Taught by Money Talks News CEO and founder Stacy Johnson, the course combines lessons, videos, worksheets and quizzes to help you reach your financial retirement goals. Much of the 14-week course focuses on how to spend safely during your golden years, with topics such as:

  • Creating a spending plan

  • Financial planning concepts

  • Reverse mortgages and annuities

  • Taking the pain out of medical costs

Put your fears to rest by taking the course and planning your future.

Learn everything you need to plan your dream retirement

The Only Retirement Guide You'll Ever Need gives you the knowledge you need to retire on your own terms. Sure, you can pay a financial adviser, but this online course gives you total control to create a custom retirement plan around the things that make you happy.

You're going to get expert, personalized advice. You'll have access to the latest tools. And when it's complete, you'll be able to approach your retirement confidently and with peace of mind.

It's time to plan the best years of your life. Let's get started.
