Bernie Sanders' campaign staff demands more pay

Bernie Sanders has championed efforts to raise the federal minimum wage, but some members of his presidential campaign staff wish that would start with them as they call for making above “poverty wages."

The Vermont senator praised the House for passing a bill that would raise the federal minimum wage to $15, all while some members of his field staff are looking to make more than their current pay.

The Washington Post reports the campaign’s union plans to send a letter to Sanders’ campaign manager, asking that “Given our campaign’s commitment to fighting for a living wage of at least $15 an hour ... we believe it is only fair that the campaign would carry through this commitment to its own field team.”

The Post reports that in the letter it says field organizers are working around 60 hours a week, which drops their pay to around $13 an hour.

According to the paper, it is not clear whether Sanders is aware of the pay issue. Some workers' financial struggles have reportedly caused them to leave the campaign.

According to the paper, in a May meeting with the union, Shakir attempted to raise wages but also suggested extending the work week to six days.

This proposal was rejected by the union over healthcare costs.

Negotiations between Shakir and the union appear to be ongoing.
