10 sneaky ways Walmart gets you to spend more money

  • Walmart employs subtle strategies to encourage shoppers to spend more money.

  • Most retailers use layout, signage, and other tactics to get people in the mood for shopping.

  • From baking bread to boosting the store mobile app, check out these sneaky approaches.

Walmart has a few tricks up its sleeve when it comes to getting consumers to spend more.

In that way, the retail behemoth is like most other national chains. From Costco's famous "treasure hunt" layout to Bullseye's Playground at Target , most retailers are eager to tempt customers to spend more.

Read more: Walmart workers wish they could tell customers these 7 things

Savvy shoppers looking to pinch their pennies should keep an eye out for all the sneaky ways Walmart and other retailers employ to get consumers to shell out more cash.

Check out all the subtle tactics Walmart uses to get you to spend more:

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