US taxpayers paid more than $200,000 on security, accommodation for Eric and Donald Trump Jr.'s Dubai trip

US taxpayers paid more than $200,000 on security, accommodation for Eric and Donald Trump Jr.'s Dubai trip

American taxpayers dished out more than $200,000 on accommodation, airfare and security for a single business trip Eric and Donald Trump Jr. took to Dubai shortly after their father’s inauguration, according to federal documents released Wednesday.

The President’s sons traveled to the United Arab Emirates city for the opening of a Trump-branded golf club in February 2017. At the time, government watchdogs raised concerns about the trip’s proximity to President Trump’s inauguration, saying it could pose an opportunity for Arab officials to get on the administration’s good side by funneling money into Trump’s namesake business empire.

Expense reports from the U.S. Secret Service reveal the trip has another controversial element to it.

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The reports, obtained by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington via a Freedom of Information Act request, show the taxpayer-funded Secret Service agency paid about $125,000 for airfare, $75,000 on hotel rooms and more than $15,000 on “other” expenses, such as cell phones and transportation.

Later that month, Eric Trump traveled to the Dominican Republic for a potential relaunch of a Trump-branded resort. The Secret Service racked up more than $30,000 on airfare, hotel rooms and transportation for that trip, according to the unearthed expense reports.

A spokesman for the Trump Organization did return a request for comment from the Daily News.

The new Secret Service figures far exceeds the $73,000 taxpayers spent on a Dubai trip the Trump brothers took for a wedding of the daughter of a business partner in April of this year.

Eric and Donald Trump Jr. took over their dad’s namesake company after he took office. But the President never fully divested himself from the business, drawing the ire of government watchdogs who said the unorthodox arrangement opens him up to a laundry list of potential conflicts of interest.

Trump ran for President on a promise to “drain the swamp” of a Washington, D.C., inundated by backroom deals and pay-to-play politics.
