Study: Parents pay boys more allowance than girls

The gender pay gap isn't only present in large corporations, it's also present in the household — among children.

CBS News reported that an analysis of millions of transactions from 10,000 families on the allowance site BusyKid, found that parents pay their sons more than twice as much allowance as they pay their daughters.

On average, boys receive $13.80 per week in allowance, while girls receive just $6.71, CBS reported. Additionally, parents pay their sons more in bonuses as well. Boys receive $17.01 on average, while girls get $15.52.

"It was shocking to see how much of a pay gap there was on our platform," BusyKid Chief Executive Gregg Murset told CBS. "I don't think this is intentional, but it's happening."

BusyKid allows parents to pay their children for completing assigned chores, which can range from doing homework, emptying the dishwasher or taking care of the family pets. Every chore has a suggested pay rate, ranging from $0.25 for cleaning the toilet to $2 for folding and helping mom and dad put away the laundry.

"Our platform is gender-agnostic," Murset told CBS. "But parents can decide which chores to assign to which kids, and they can change our suggested rate of pay, if they want to. That's where the gender gap is coming in."

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