I've helped thousands of people prepare for retirement, and those who retire the richest have 9 things in common

  • Retirement costs more than ever, and it's never too early to start saving.

  • But focusing on the money alone won't help you retire rich, writes financial adviser Robert Pascuzzi.

  • In his experience, the people who retire the richest have a handful of common traits, from refusing to get distracted to resisting the urge to try and get rich quick.

The sweet life of retirement is a lifestyle that just about everyone is looking forward to.

Spending time with your kids and grandkids, playing golf, traveling, and living the good life seems like a better alternative than the nine-to-five daily grind. Money is indeed the secret to being able to turn this dream into reality, but focusing on the money alone won't help you retire rich.

I've helped thousands of people prepare for the retirement of their dreams over the years. Before you can start to acquire a significant amount of wealth to plan for your future, you must first be in the right frame of mind to do it. The first step is to push yourself to think bigger as it relates to your retirement.

After that, it's about understanding the key psychological differences in the people who retire quicker and richer than everyone else.

Here's what I've observed about people who make it to retirement with significant wealth:
