New Jersey just unveiled its secretive bid for Amazon's second headquarters — and it may reveal what the tech giant is looking for

Amazon is narrowing down the search for the home of its $5 billion second headquarters, called HQ2. In January, the company selected 20 metros across North America as finalists.

One of the biggest underdogs is Newark, New Jersey, a city with an economy that has struggled to recover from the 2008 recession.

At first glance, Newark’s HQ2 bid, released by the state on April 25, doesn’t offer too many surprises. It boasts about Newark’s available workforce, vacant space, transit options, and economic incentives — all requirements that Amazon highlighted in its original request for HQ2 proposals from cities.

New Jersey also hints at other projects that are not directly related to HQ2, but that Amazon could be involved in. These projects include a fleet of driverless cars, a massive online library, and the development of entire housing communities.

Since Amazon chose Newark as a top contender, the bid suggests these kinds of civic projects — which go beyond its core retail business — are attractive to the tech giant.

Take a look at Newark’s bid below:

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