This common side gig pays $81 an hour

If you’re considering getting a side job to supplement your main income, choose wisely.

The most common side gigs offer a wide range of pay — with median hourly rates of anywhere from $3 to $81 — according to a recent survey by Credit Loan.

About 1,000 people from age 18 to age 74 were polled for the survey, which identified the 22 most common so-called “side hustles.”

Top-paying common side gigs

At five of the most common side jobs, survey participants earn $20 an hour, the second-highest median hourly pay rate.

One job stands apart from the rest, though: renting and buying property. Participants who do this report earning the highest hourly rate by far of $81.

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Here are the 10 best-paying jobs:

Turning your home into a money-maker

Buying, selling and/or renting property aren’t options for everyone. Real estate investors generally need access to cash or financing, as Money Talks News founder Stacy Johnson details in “Ask Stacy: Can I Make Money Flipping Houses?

There is one way that anyone can use their own home to make extra money, though: Open it up to travelers. This is possible — and relatively simple — to do through vacation rental websites such as:

In fact, by hosting travelers in a spare room for as few as four or five nights a month, you can earn enough extra cash to cover your entire monthly mortgage payment, as we recently reported.

For more ways to bring in extra money, check out “50 Ways to Make a Fast $50 (or Lots More!).

Do you have a side job or otherwise bring in money to supplement your main income? Tell us what has worked for you by commenting below or over on our Facebook page.

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