Are tiny homes worth it? 21 reasons why they’re a huge mistake

Reality TV shows like "Tiny House, Big Living" and "Tiny House Nation" have popularized the notion of stripping one's lifestyle down to bare necessities to reduce living space to the absolute minimum needed to get by. Depending on which definition you use, a tiny home is one that's less than 400 to 600 square feet, but some tiny homes can be as little as 160 to 200 square feet.

All the hype surrounding tiny homes piques the interest of individuals looking for a financially and environmentally sustainable lifestyle. And at first glance, they're especially attractive to millennials. But in the case of tiny homes, what looks good on reality TV might be much less appealing in real life — especially if you have children.

Here's what you need to know about why buying or building a tiny house can actually be a huge mistake.

This article originally appeared on Are Tiny Homes Worth It? 21 Reasons Why They’re a Huge Mistake
