The biggest gun companies in the US Market

Once again, the country is in conflict over gun violence. The latest, heart-breaking shooting that left 17 dead at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, has prompted students to take to the streets, President Donald Trump to advocate for arming teachers and the National Rifle Association to go on the offensive for its interpretation of the Second Amendment. Meanwhile, some companies rushed to distance themselves from the gun industry.

Even though there’s been a decline in demand for guns since Trump took office — attributed to less panic buying by people who fear restriction or regulation of guns — firearms are a multibillion-dollar business in the U.S.

Here’s a list of companies, American and foreign, that profit from the U.S. gun market, with their stock ticker symbols where relevant.While some of the largest are publicly traded companies that must disclose financials, many are private companies and are not required to disclose sales and profits. For those companies, we compiled information from other estimates and reports.
