Move over Red Delicious -- there's a new apple king in town

It looks like the reign of the Red Delicious apple is finally over after more than 70 years as the king of red fruit in America.

Bloomberg reports that the Honeycrisp now sits on the throne. But why have America's tastes changed when it comes to apples?

According to head of agricultural research at MetLife Inc., Americans are now more willing to pay higher premiums for their fruit. In the past, farmers wanted to raise fruits cheaply and with the longest shelf life.

The problem is, Red Delicious apples are far from the most delicious apple. Modern-day shoppers want the best tasting fruit. And the number prove it.

Since 2010, Honeycrisp production has increased by 275 percent, and their price has gone up 41 percent in that time.

This means consumers want the best tasting fruit -- and they’re willing to pay for it.
