17 retailers on the 2018 death watch


A big year for closings

The past year has been a bleak one for many retailers. Over 20 retail chains -- including Radio Shack, Toys R Us, and HHGregg -- filed for bankruptcy, and some were liquidated.

Things are not likely to get better in 2018. They may even be worse.

"I think the early part of next year will be pretty bad ... I think it will be tough," Moody's lead retail analyst Charlie O'Shea told CNBC .

The 17 companies below all struggled in 2017. Many of them closed stores, and some have even filed for bankruptcy at least once before. These aren't the only retailers struggling as we head into 2018, but they are some of the most prominent.

Daniel B. Kline has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.
