How to know if you're getting a good deal on Black Friday

  • To get a good deal on Black Friday, make sure the item is discounted by at least 37%.

  • calculated this number based on an average of discounts it evaluated for its Black Friday report.

  • It might still be worth buying an item if it rarely goes on sale or is otherwise hard to find.

Almost every retailer offers big discounts on Black Friday. But how can you be sure that discount isn't just a bait and switch?

This year, the most important number in Black Friday shopping is 37 percent.

That's the threshold for a good deal, according to analysis by the personal finance website WalletHub, which took an average of all the discounts being offered by the 35 largest retailers participating in Black Friday.

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Some retailers offer doorbuster discounts in limited quantities to lure customers into the store, but then only offer small discounts on other merchandise. Sticking to the 37 percent discount figure, which can easily be calculated on the fly, will ensure you won't be tricked by misleading Black Friday deals.

This number isn't universal, though. The 37 percent figure is an average of all categories, but some categories, like appliances or computers, typically offer a smaller discount. And, if you're looking for an item that rarely goes on sale or is hard to find, it might still be worth snagging the Black Friday discount even if it's less than 37 percent.

Still, it's a good rule of thumb to remember as you shop online or roam the aisles on November 24.

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