3-year-old gets Target-themed birthday party

1010 WINS-Three-year-old Charlie loves her favorite retail outlet so much she decided to make it a major part of her birthday!

When you’re a kid, birthdays are no joke. So when little Charlie asked for a Target-themed party for her third birthday, mom Emily Kern knew she had some work to do.

Charlie loves shopping at the retail store and according to her mom, she gets really happy every time she sees the iconic red and white bullseye logo.

(Provided photo: Emily Kern)

Kern tells 1010 WINS, “as far as what made her want it, I’m not too sure. When I asked what kind of party she wanted, the first thing out of her mouth was Target!

“I still laugh thinking about it.”

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“She enjoys going there and gets excited when she sees the store and the symbol,” Kern explains. “So I guess it was maybe on her mind that day but every time after she still said Target!”

Her daughter’s persistence paid off. Charlie wore a red dress for the special occasion and all of the party favors and decorations, as well as the cake and popcorn, were all decked out in red and white.

The party was complete with a dollar spot, a cafe section, and a very happy three-year-old!

-Joe Cingrana
