Half of millennials would give up their right to vote for this one thing

Going to college may mean fraternity parties and tailgating for some students, but for many it means graduating with crippling debt.

In fact, the Department of Education estimates the country's student loan debt is at an all time high of 1.3 trillion dollars.

Debt can cause all sorts of stress in a person’s life.

Maybe that's why a new survey by Credible found that half of millennials would rather give up their right to vote in the next two presidential elections than cut another loan payment check.

But what if you could elect a president that would wipe out student debt?

It’s a bit risky. Fox Business reports, during his presidential campaign, Trump proposed student loan forgiveness after 15 years of repayment.

Still, ditching the right to vote is extreme.

A little more than 40 percent also said they'd give up ride sharing services and traveling abroad for five years.

However, looks like Trump as president is still not as bad as moving back in with mom and dad because only 27 percent said they'd go that far.

RELATED: 2016 issues: Education politics, student loans, common core
