Traces of fecal bacteria found at Burger King, McDonald's and KFC

Calling all fast food chain lovers! If you are the kind of person who likes to super-size your meal, you might want to skip the soda. Otherwise, you may be drinking poop bacteria.

BBC One's Watchdog team has found traces of poop bacteria, also known as fecal coliforms, in Burger King, McDonald's and KFC stores in the United Kingdom.

The Liverpool Echo reports that the bacteria was found in the ice served at all three fast food chains.

Thirty fast food restaurants were tested by Watchdog where they found that ice at three McDonald's, six Burger Kings and seven KFC locations tested positive for the bacteria. Four of the samples at Burger King and five at KFC had "significant levels."

All three restaurants issued statements on their dedication to proper hygiene, and KFC shut down the ice machines at the restaurants in question, commenting: "We are shocked and extremely disappointed by these results. We have strict procedures for the management and handling of ice." They claimed that they do "daily and weekly inspections and cleaning of the ice machine and storage holds."

The investigation was carried out following the shocking results of a previous Watchdog investigation, which found "significant levels" of fecal bacteria on ice samples in three major coffee chains.

RELATED: E. coli cases and food poisoning
