17 features that will make your home’s value explode in 2017

2017 is the year of the financially-savvy buyer.

Research by Gocompare.com found that many potential buyers are prioritizing "efficiency, security and connectivity" over aesthetic features this year.

This group is now smarter than ever, investing in key features now that will require smaller costs and minimal upkeep in the future.

The study notes that previous property must-haves, like conservatories and proximity to good schools, failed to make the most recent ranking of desired features. Traditional selling points seem to now be overruled by factors like modern home insulation, secure doors and additional electrical sockets. Sixty-nine percent of buyers prioritized central heating, crowning it the No.1 must-have of 2017. Certain bathroom amenities made the list, as well as friendly neighbors and a reliable mobile signal.

If you're looking to sell your home in the near future, you may want to consider investing in these features and making your property's value pop.

See the 17 features new homeowners want the most:
