10 great reasons to start a blog and other must-reads

It's the beginning of the new week, which means a fresh start! Start your week off on the right foot by reading up on these 5 articles from Finance Collective members. From refreshing your goals to looking at your next real estate-related move, these are must-reads!

  1. 15 Ways to Get Closer to Reaching Your Goals by My Money Counts: Now that we are coming into spring, it's a good time to check in on your goals and readjust how you are planning to accomplish them all.

  2. 10 Great Reasons to Start Blogging, and 3 Horrible Ones by Montana Money Adventures: If you are thinking of starting your own blog, hear from a personal finance blogger about the reasons you should give it a shot (or maybe hold off).

  3. 7 Fun Ways to Earn Money Online by My Broken Coin: Looking for a side hustle or trying to make a little cash on the side? Try out one of these 7 ways to make money on the internet.

  4. 15 or 30 Year Mortgage? It Depends- Try This Calculator! by Does That Make Cents: If you are looking into mortgages and are between a 15 and a 30 year plan, use this calculator for more guidance on which to choose.

  5. Huge Financial Fears and How to Cope (Part 1) by Super Saving Tips: Finances can be scary and overwhelming -- but here are tips on how to deal with the worst of the worst when it comes to money problems.

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