Interactive map shows 16-year-history of the Apple Stores in 60 seconds


We're in the midst of a bleak era for brick-and-mortar retail.

Major companies and chains are closing stores left and right, and those who haven't yet shuttered stores are announcing plans to do so in the near future.

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But as one of the most powerful and successful companies in the world, it's no surprise that Apple has managed to avoid the crises that seems to be forcing most brands to shift to an online-only retail matter or even worse, ending their retail presence all together.

Apple currently operates 491 stores across 18 different countries, with plans to hit magic number 500 by the end of 2017.

The first two Apple stores opened concurrently in 2001 — one in Virginia and one in California.

Retale put together this interactive map which shows where existing Apple stores are located, and where the company has its eyes on next for future stores to be built — And we must say, seeing a visual representation of just how prevalent Apple Stores are around the world is pretty mind-blowing.

Check it out here:

New York and Shanghai are currently tied for the highest concentration of Apple stores per city, each having seven stores.

The next Apple store is set to open on March 25, 2017 in Cologne.

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