This must-read could help skyrocket your net-worth

Using the right tools and products can make a world of difference when it comes to dealing with your financial matters. With that in mind, each week we will be featuring one Finance Collective member approved product or tool that can help make your financial life a little bit easier. This week we are sharing Marriage, Kids and Money's thoughts on the book Rich Dad Poor Dad.

"Robert grew up being influenced by two men in his life – the father of his best friend (Rich Dad) and Robert's real father (Poor Dad). He chronicles the money lessons that he learned from both of these men as well as his personal successes with the goal of helping others escape the rat race of life.

At a young age, this book helped me to learn the difference between active income and passive income. Since reading it, I've continued to seek out ways to increase my passive income so I can live the good life like Robert." -Marriage, Kids and Money

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