Major retailers have agreed to end on-call scheduling

Imagine not knowing if you have to work, until an hour or two before you're supposed to show up - yeah that's a real thing and it's called on-call scheduling.

But just in time for the holiday season, six major retailers are putting an end to this practice!

Thanks to an investigation into the welfare of the on-call scheduling model, more than 50 thousand employees at Disney, PacSun, Aeropostale, Carter's, David's Tea, and Zumiez will no longer have to deal with this practice.

Instead, it's being replaced with a pool work assignment system. The model - which has employees call into work an hour or two before their shift to confirm if they're still needed for the day, has been used for years to keep labor costs low.

That's according to New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who along with other attorney generals, sent the initial inquiries to the companies in an effort to end this practice. He says: "People should not have to keep the day open, arrange for child care, and give up other opportunities without being compensated for their time."

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