You need to see the absolutely absurd new product that Apple just patented

The iPod, the iPhone, the iWatch, the Macbook -- you name the innovative product that you've probably owned some sort of version of at some point in your life, and Apple has probably patented it.

And as if the billion dollar company that has (truly) defined a generation hasn't taken over our lives enough with its products, it looks like Tim Cook and co. are back at it again with their latest patent filing.

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But this latest product isn't anything technologically innovative or only accessible to those willing to shell out the big bucks.

Apple's newest product venture? A paper bag.

Yep, you can read that again – Apple just patented the design for a paper bag.

Credit: USPTO

But it's not exactly the garden-variety paper bag you're probably thinking of.

According to the abstract of the application that the company filed for the patent:

"The paper bag may include a bag container formed of white solid bleached sulfate paper with at least 60% post-consumer content."

Translated to English?

The bag will be pure white in color –something that can be difficult when made from entirely recycled materials. Usually, reaching the pristine white color requires a ton of bleach, which can weaken the materials and make it difficult for the bag to stay firm and stable.

Credit: USPTO

That's where Apple's patented technology, complete with specifications down the way the pieces are folded, comes in: Apple is set on perfecting the white, recycled bag.

Okay, so maybe it's actually a lot cooler than it sounded at first.

We're taking bets on names – for some reason, iBag just has a ring to it.

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