Stressing about money makes you look older

Stressing About Money Makes You Look Older
Stressing About Money Makes You Look Older

Having money won't stop you from getting older, but stressing over cash may make you look it.

A new study suggests stressing over money will make you look, let's say, "more mature."

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Add stressing about the results of this study, and you'll be looking like the Crypt Keeper by next year!

Researchers from Brandeis University, the Psychological Sciences Research Institute in Belgium and Antioch University New England studied 228 people over 10 years.

Then they brought in 19 other people and had them judge the participants on looks alone. It turns out the people who suffered from money troubles also looked older.

Stressing about money definitely takes a toll on you emotionally, and the researchers think this has a physical effect on you as well.

Per the researchers, there's also the possibility that "...people who are under a lot of financial stress do not pay much attention to their appearance."

Adding insult to injury, the study doesn't offer any solutions for dealing with debt or the stress it causes.

My advice? Ask WWSOD: What would Suze Orman do?

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