The most expensive days and months to fly

What Are the Cheapest Days and Times to Fly
What Are the Cheapest Days and Times to Fly

Sunday is the most expensive day of the week on which to fly.

Airfare for Sunday flights can cost around 10 percent more than the price of flights on a Tuesday or Wednesday, according to a new analysis conducted by Hopper for MarketWatch.

Hopper, an airfare research firm, found that the average price of a good-deal round-trip domestic ticket — defined as the best 10 percent of quoted prices — is $264 for Sunday flights. That's compared with $241 for Tuesday or Wednesday, the cheapest days of the week.

Patrick Surry, chief data scientist at Hopper, tells MarketWatch:

"Sunday tends to be expensive both because it's a weekend, which is popular with leisure travelers, and because it's often favored by business travelers looking to get where they're going for a Monday start. ... Some airlines take advantage of that by charging more for round-trip tickets that don't include a Saturday night stay."

Hopper's research shows:

  • Monday: $251 is the average price of a good-deal round-trip domestic ticket

  • Tuesday: $241

  • Wednesday: $241

  • Thursday: $251

  • Friday: $250

  • Saturday: $245

  • Sunday: $264

December is the most expensive month during which to catch a flight. The average price of a good-deal round-trip domestic ticket that month is $360. That's compared with $279 in January, the cheapest month.

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Hopper's research shows the following:

  • January: $279 is the average price of a good-deal round-trip domestic ticket

  • February: $280

  • March: $308

  • April: $285

  • May: $300

  • June: $342

  • July: $358

  • August: $332

  • September: $302

  • October: $293

  • November: $310

  • December: $360

For more ways to save on your next trip, check out "17 Proven Ways to Save on Travel."

What's your take on Hopper's findings? Would you alter your travel plans if flying on a certain day of the week or during a certain month meant cheaper airfare? Share your thoughts below or on Facebook.

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