Companies with these employees are more successful, study shows

The Payoff of Having More Women at Work
The Payoff of Having More Women at Work

If you're looking for a new way to boost your company's performance, here's one trick.

A new report by Catalyst, a nonprofit organization with a mission to expand opportunities for women and business, suggests that companies with more women employees outperform companies with more men employed. The study breaks it down by pointing out businesses with more women on board had, on average, 42 percent greater return on sales, 53 percent better return on equity and 66 percent greater return on invested capital.

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Additionally, according to an analysis by Credit Suisse Research Institute, having more women on staff doesn't just help the company's overall success. In fact, having at least one woman in a leadership role can also increase share price performance. The study also adds that larger companies tend to have a higher percentage of women directors.

One reason female leaders tend to positively impact an employee's experience is because of their ability to better engage employees more than their male counterparts. A poll conducted by Gallup found that 33 percent of employees with female bosses felt engaged at work, while only 27 percent of employees working for male bosses said the same. Additionally, 41 percent of female executives feel engaged at work compared to 35 percent of male directors.

In short, women directors are great for business.

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