6 great retirement jobs


With the cost of living always on the rise, retirees are looking for creative ways to supplement their incomes. And for those living on fixed incomes, finding part-time work can be tricky and sometimes challenging, because they cannot exceed the SSI annual earnings threshold of $15,720, and $41,880 for those in their first full year of retirement. But, if you're looking for ways to supplement your income, here are five great part-time retirement job ideas.

1. Local Tour Guide

The sharing economy is making all sorts of short-term side jobs available, and if you've got a lot of local knowledge, consider setting yourself up as a tour guide on a service like Vayable. Rates range from $50–$85 per person, per tour. If apps and computers are not your thing, check with local tour operators or local tourist attractions about picking up a shift or two. You'll put your wisdom and experience to work — and you'll meet lots of great people, besides.

2. Tutor or Teach

You don't need a background as a teacher in order to help others learn. If you're good at math, English, or any other subjects, consider tutoring or teaching part-time. You can set your own rates, and signing up with a tutoring website like VarsityTutors will pair you with students. And there are so many opportunities to teach, because it goes beyond the classroom these days, as many people prefer the convenience of online courses.

3. Babysitter

Do you have an interest in working with kids? If so, it could be a valuable skill-set. Part-time babysitters can earn as much as $25 per hour, and they work on their own terms. Plus, if you already have experience working with kids, and a flexible schedule, you'll probably find lots of job opportunities.

4. Postpartum Doula

Jackie Prescott, founder of First Bump Then Baby, says becoming a modern-day baby nurse is a great way for older women (and men!) to earn money, because it's essentially about mothering new mothers and helping new parents to quickly feel at ease.

5. Tax Preparer

Some people think of tax preparation services as a seasonal job, but the truth is, many self-employed individuals and businesses deal with tax issues year-round. If this is a skill-set that you possess, it can earn you a sizable penny. But, because it is so lucrative, be careful not to cross the annual earnings threshold if you're receiving SSI.

6. Become an Uber or Lyft Driver

The Uber and Lyft car sharing programs have grown to reach every city, and they're looking for drivers everywhere. Anyone with a valid driver's license and clean criminal record is eligible to become a driver. Drivers are of all ages and professional backgrounds. Many are stay-at-home moms and current and former professionals seeking a way to earn extra income. (See also: How to Earn Extra Money Driving for Uber or Lyft)

RELATED: See the best states for retirees to move to

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