Sir Ian McKellen receives his first coronavirus vaccine: 'I feel euphoric'

Gandolf got it! Sir Ian McKellen, the 81-year-old legendary British actor known for his role of Gandolf in the Lord of the Rings trilogy and Magneto in the X-Men franchise, has become one of the first celebrities to receive his first dose of the coronavirus vaccine.

On Wednesday, McKellen, rocking a rainbow striped scarf, received his first jab from an NHS nurse at Queen Mary's University Hospital in London, choosing to go public with his story to encourage others to get the vaccine.

"I feel very lucky to have had the vaccine. I would have no hesitation in recommending it to anyone," McKellen, who flashed a thumbs up to the camera after getting the vaccine, said. "I really hope that, as more people get vaccinated, we will move further along the path back to a more normal way of life."

McKellen told Britain's Evening Standard newspaper that the shot was "painless," adding, "It's a very special day, I feel euphoric."

He continued to encourage others to get the vaccine, sharing, "You're having it not just for yourself but for people who you are close to - you're doing your bit for society."

The Evening Standard also revealed that Great British Bake Off judge Prue Leith was one of the first to receive the first round of vaccinations.
