Kris Jenner denies sexual harassment claims by ex-bodyguard

Kris Jenner denies sexual harassment claims by ex-bodyguard

Kris Jenner is vehemently denying allegations of sexual harassment leveled against her by a former bodyguard. Jenner's attorney released a statement to ET rejecting the claims, which are part of a lawsuit recently filed against the reality star.

Marc McWilliams, who previously worked as part of Jenner's security personnel, claims that he was subjected to "a pattern of unwanted and unwelcome sexual advances" and "harassing misconduct" while working for Jenner and her daughter, Kourtney Kardashian.

McWilliams' lawsuit claims that the alleged conduct began in May 2017, and alleges the harassment included "non-consensual physical contact" and comments of "an overt sexual nature."

He is seeking damages including those for lost income, special damages, general damages, back pay, bonuses and incentives due, punitive damages and attorney’s fees, as well a court costs and lawyers fees. He is seeking a trial by jury.

In a statement to ET, Jenner's attorney, Marty Singer, staunchly denied the allegations made in the lawsuit.

"Kris Jenner and Kourtney Kardashian vehemently deny the completely false claims made by former security guard Marc McWilliams. His absurd allegations are clearly fabricated and are contrary to easily confirmed facts," Singer said. "Kris never acted inappropriately toward him. The security company stopped assigning McWilliams to work there after the guard was repeatedly caught sleeping in his car on the job."

"Significantly, McWilliams never made any complaints to his employer about Kris until contriving this ludicrous claim a year later," Singer added.

Singer also noted that while Kardashian is named as a defendant in the lawsuit, "She is not accused of doing anything improper, nor did she do so."

"When Kris and Kourtney defeat this frivolous lawsuit, they intend to immediately sue McWilliams and his attorneys for malicious prosecution," Singer said.
