Tiffany Haddish reveals she tested positive for coronavirus

Tiffany Haddish reveals she tested positive for coronavirus

Tiffany Haddish is the latest celebrity to reveal that she tested positive for COVID-19.

In a new video posted to her YouTube page this week, featuring an interview with Dr. Anthony Fauci -- the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and one of the public faces of the pandemic in America -- the 40-year-old actress detailed her recent experience with the coronavirus.

Around the 23:15 mark, Haddish told Dr. Fauci that she was working on a movie when she learned that someone on the set had contracted the coronavirus.

"I wasn't in direct contact with them, but they sent all of us home and we stopped the movie," she recalled. "Then they suggested that I go get tested. I went and got tested, and I got the results back like two days later. They said I didn't have the coronavirus."

Related: Tiffany Haddish out and about

"Then, somebody else I know that was around like a week before, they contracted the coronavirus, and so I went and got tested again. Mind you, these tests are expensive as all outdoors -- it was like $550. Which really made me upset because I was trying to buy some shoes," she continued. "Anyways, I paid for the tests. Get the tests the second time. I’m not feeling any symptoms or anything, and it comes back like two days later, and they said I did have the coronavirus."

Haddish said she "didn’t feel anything," no symptoms at the time, but quarantined herself as a precaution.

"I stayed away from everybody, just stayed in my house, me and my dogs, and I practiced learning how to do the splits. And now I can do the splits," she joked. "Then I went and tested again, didn't have the virus, and then I got tested for antibodies, they said I had antibodies. That was like three months ago... and I've been tested 12 times now since, because I've been working and everything."

"Then I get tested again, no virus, and then I had them test me for antibodies again, and then they said I don't have any antibodies," she added. "So I think I'm superhuman."

Earlier in the interview, Dr. Fauci also cleared up some of the misconceptions many people have about the coronavirus and how it's transmitted.

"It's a respiratory-borne virus. So it's transmitted from one person to another by very microscopic respiratory secretions," he explained. "And that could be, this is important, that I think people don't understand, that certainly could be from coughing or sneezing, but it could even be from talking."

"The way you prevent that is by what we keep talking about: a mask and physical distancing," he continued. "Sit a certain distance away and avoid crowds."

Dr. Fauci added that the best way to boost your immune system is to "just lead a healthy life."

"Get a good sleep, exercise," he advised. "Those are the things that are so much better than a bunch of herbs that really have never really been shown to do that."

Hear more from other celebrities who've tested positive from COVID-19 below.


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