Porn star Ron Jeremy charged with sexually assaulting four women

Porn star Ron Jeremy was charged on Tuesday with sexually assaulting four women in incidents dating back to 2014.

The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office charged Jeremy with eight counts, including forcible rape, forcible penetration and forcible oral copulation.

If convicted, he faces up to 90 years to life in prison, according to prosecutors.

Jeremy, 67, is expected to be arraigned later on Tuesday. Jeremy is accused of sexually assaulting three women at West Hollywood bar in separate incidents in 2017 and 2019.

He is also accused of raping a 25-year-old woman at a home in West Hollywood in May 2014. Prosecutors are seeking to set bail at $6.6 million.

Jeremy faces three charges of forcible rape, three charges of forcible penetration by a foreign object, one count of forcible oral copulation and one count of sexual battery. The victims are identified in the complaint as Jane Does 1 through 4.

Jeremy is charged under his legal name, Ronald Jeremy Hyatt. Prosecutors also declined to charge Jeremy in connection with a fifth incident in 2016, citing insufficient evidence.

The case is being handled by Deputy District Attorney Paul Thompson, who is also leading the Los Angeles case against Harvey Weinstein.
