Josh Brolin responds to criticism after visiting his dad and Barbra Streisand

Josh Brolin has apologized after some people on social media accused him of violating social distancing rules.

The "Avengers: Endgame" actor, 52, revealed on Instagram that he recently visited his dad, James Brolin, and his stepmom, Barbra Streisand, at their home.

Streisand shared a photo of Brolin's wife, Kathryn Brolin, standing on the other side of a window, wearing a mask and holding up a sweet message from the couple's young daughter, Westlyn.

"I just love the sign that Josh and Kathryn painted yesterday when they came to see us with our little grandchild Westlyn!" Streisand, 77, captioned the photo.

Brolin has since deleted his original video showing the visit, but some fans apparently criticized the actor in the comments, calling him irresponsible for leaving his house and visiting older relatives in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

In a follow-up video on Instagram, Brolin issued a heartfelt apology.

"I just posted a video that I was very humbled by the response," he said. "My father lives next door to us, and we had a plan to go see them and not be near them. And that plan was broken, and that's our responsibility.

"You know, it's hard to be honest sometimes, it's hard to be honest and say, you know, maybe I screwed up," he continued. "I do feel responsible to my fellow man, period, so my apologies."

Some fans thanked Brolin for holding himself accountable after facing criticism.

"You're a great guy! Great to see leadership on this and responsibility, stay safe with your amazing family," one person wrote to Brolin on Instagram.

"Thank you for your honesty. Hey you made a mistake, let's just move on," another person commented.

Others questioned whether the Brolin family had actually violated social distancing rules, as they had apparently stayed outside and wore masks.

"From what I could tell you guys didn't break any rules," one woman who identified herself as a nurse commented on his Instagram post. "Perhaps I missed something. Regardless, this is a learning experience for all of us. We all have to just do the best we can. As a nurse working in the frontlines of this nightmare, I'm in a constant fear of not only contracting it myself, but bringing it home to my family."

"But it looked like you were all far apart. Confused," another fan commented on Brolin's apology video.

In general, experts are advising people to avoid visiting friends or family members at their homes. This is true even if nobody is showing symptoms, and you have been quarantining and maintaining social distance, Dr. William Schaffner, medical director of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Maryland, told TODAY Health earlier this month.

There are exceptions for necessary caregivers dropping off essential goods like groceries, but even then you should "minimize interpersonal interactions," Schaffner said.
