Anderson Cooper gives himself a coronavirus lockdown haircut and, well...

Anderson Cooper gives himself a coronavirus lockdown haircut and, well...

CNN’s Anderson Cooper is rocking a new hairstyle amid the coronavirus pandemic lockdown.

But not one he was hoping for.

“I took a razor and buzzed my head and I gave myself a giant bald spot, over here,” the “Anderson Cooper 360°” host revealed on Thursday.

“I’ve been walking around all day with, like, my hand on my head,” admitted Cooper, who took the new do in his stride, later saying: “It’s fine straight on, I just have to be seen only this way.”

Check out the clip here:

Elsewhere on the show, Cooper lightheartedly offered his haircutting services to colleague Chris Cuomo, who has been providing daily updates on his recovery from COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus.

“Now you will make that popular,” Cuomo told Cooper, joking it would be called “The Coop.”

Check out that clip here:
