Sophie Turner brought her guy friends on her first date with Joe Jonas

Sophie Turner wasn't exactly lovesick for Joe Jonas before they got together! The 24-year-old Game of Thrones star opens up about their early courtship in the new cover story for Elle's April issue, revealing that as a teenager, she wasn't a fan of her now-husband's boy band.

“My friends and I were not Jonas Brothers fans,” she admits. "There was this band in the U.K. called Busted. They had a hit called ‘Year 3000.’ It was amazing, and we were huge Busted fans. Then the Jonas Brothers covered the song and made it massive. And Busted broke up. We thought it was all the Jonas Brothers’ fault. So we hated them.”

Memories of this incident were fresh years later when Turner had several people tell her that they thought she'd hit it off with the 30-year-old pop star. When Joe came to the United Kingdom to tour, he DM'd her, asking to hang out.

"I was living with my friends in Camden, in a really rough flat -- people were always climbing in and out of the windows. When I told my friends, they were like, ‘That’s hilarious. You have to do it! And you have to text us everything he says,'" Turner recalls.

The British actress had some preconceived notions about what it would be like to go on a date with Joe, and admits that's not how it turned out at all.

"I expected him to show up with security and everything. I thought, ‘He’s gonna be such a d**k,’" the Game of Thrones star confesses to thinking. "I brought all my guy friends to come with me to meet him, because in the back of my mind I still worried that he could be a catfish -- or I don’t know what. I just wanted my guy friends with me. I had my rugby boys. I was safe.”

The pair met up at a bar in the Camden neighborhood of London.

“It was just this local s***ty bar, dirty, with great music and people throwing up everywhere. It was that kind of place. Kind of like the worst, but also kind of the best," Turner remembers. “He didn’t bring security. He brought a friend, and they drank just as hard as the rest of us. I remember the two of us spending only a couple of minutes on the dance floor, and then we just found a space far in the corner and we just talked. We talked for hours, and hours, and hours. And I was, like, not bored. It wasn’t contrived. It wasn’t small talk -- it was just so easy. And soon we were, like, inseparable. I went on tour with him.”

Now she can't stop gushing over her husband, saying, “With Joe, I always felt like I was the one who was punching, like, way above my league. And I still feel like that. He’s so handsome, talented, funny, charismatic. I’m really lucky to be with him and have someone like him want to be around me and spend time with me.”

The pair had two separate weddings -- one in Las Vegas and one in France -- and Turner says that being married has given her "this incredible sense of security."

She also loves being one of the J. Sisters with sister-in-laws Priyanka Chopra, Nick Jonas' wife, and Danielle Jonas, Kevin Jonas' wife.

“It’s also nice to have built-in girlfriends who are actually really cool, who I can hang out with and we can really talk to each other about, like, how crazy the boys’ lives are," she says. "We can relate on so many different levels. It’s like, thank God, because you never know [about your in-laws]. It’s like we’re all one big family, because the boys are best friends.”

The Elle interview took place before news broke that Turner is reportedly pregnant with her and Joe's first child, though the couple has yet to confirm. Watch the clip below for more details on those reports:
